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The Gospel To All The Nations For The One New Man

The Gospel To All The Nations For The One New Man


We invite the brothers and sisters in the churches to join us for a conference on the weekend of May 3 – 5, 2019 in New York City (Brooklyn).  The burden of the conference is the gospel to all the nations with a view to gaining African-Americans and those of African descent for the Lord’s testimony.

Matthew 24:14 – And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

The brothers and sisters who are African-American or of African descent are especially encouraged to attend and bring their friends, relatives, and colleagues with them to this time.

The matter of gaining African-Americans has been a burden with a number of us for many years and has led to much prayer and fellowship.  In fellowship with the co-workers, we felt the Lord’s leading to take this step of coming together for a conference to fellowship this burden and to labor within the African and African-American communities.  Our burden is to find a way to contact, labor among, and gain people of African descent both from the college campuses and from the community at large.  This labor would include contacting students at those universities which have been historically Black (HBCU’s) or African-American in composition.  We pray that the Lord would also gain families from these communities throughout the United States and Canada for His Body.

Four matters were initiated:

  1. gathering the brothers and sisters who have a burden in this direction for prayer, coordination, and fellowship,
  2. preaching the gospel of the kingdom to the nations,
  3. being refreshed in the vision of Christ and the church, and
  4. being encouraged in the practice of the God-ordained way.

In the upcoming conference in New York, we will continue with these four matters, praying that the Lord would take a further step in gaining this group of people for His move and ultimate goal in this age—the building up of the Body of Christ, consummating in the New Jerusalem.

In His recovery,

Ricky Acosta, Allen Bayes, Scott Finnie, Clem Rogers, Steve Watts, Willie Wise

For further information, register for the conference, sign-up for hospitality, please visit: