Dear saints in Miami,
As we monitor developments related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) we feel to provide some guidelines in order to keep you, your family, and the saints safe. Please bear in mind that these guidelines may change as healthcare and government authorities receive and analyze new information.
During this time our responsibility is to pray and stand for the Lord’s interests (Eph. 6:10-20), to watchfully shepherd the flock of God (Acts 20:28), to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:31), and to cooperate with governmental authorities (Romans 13:1).
We will update this page, easily accessible via the “Corona Guidelines” link at the top of the site, with further information as it becomes necessary.
Adjustments to Meeting Schedules and Format
- The young people’s meeting will be cancelled and move to a virtual meeting format. Check with the serving ones for the App platform.
- The service groups on Saturday’s are also cancelled.
- The corporate Lord’s table meeting on 3/15/20 is cancelled. Instead of taking the table,
saints may gather in small groups in homes to pray, sing, and prophesy. We recommend gatherings of 10-15 at the most. Saints who are already attached to a small group / home meeting could gather with that group. We also suggest that no meals be eaten together this Lord’s day. - There will be no children’s meeting at the hall on Lord’s day; children should be cared for at home.
- There will be no Prayer and Video Mtg’s. in the Meeting Hall.
- Other adjustments to gatherings will be forthcoming regarding meetings during the week. Check the CIM WhatsApp Announcement Group.
- The saints are encouraged to download the proper Apps to conduct virtual meetings, view conferences, and have one-on-one shepherding sessions.
Restrictions on Meeting Attendance and Precautionary Measures
- Do not come to any meeting, including home and group meetings, if you are sick or believe that you are falling ill, even with mild symptoms (sore throat, fever, cough, fatigue, muscle aches). Notify the saints in your group or the leading brothers so that you and the other saints can be cared for adequately. It is critical that this restriction be followed very strictly. Your own reaction to the illness may be minor, but the risk to other saints may be very high. TAKE CARE OF THE OTHER MEMBERS.
- If you have been in contact in the previous two weeks with someone who has contracted coronavirus OR if you have contacted anyone who has traveled from an affected area, which may include large cities of the United States, please do not attend the meetings for two weeks and pay close attention to your health.
- Avoid close physical contact, including shaking hands, hugging, and greeting kisses.
- Cover all coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the crook of your arm. Dispose of tissues immediately. Wash hands frequently with soap and water (best), and use hand sanitizer if necessary.
- It is better to quarantine yourself and your family members in case of illness rather than to assume that “it’s no big deal.” If symptoms worsen, you must contact your doctor or the local health department who will test and monitor you and tell you when it is safe to discontinue quarantine.
Carefully consider all travels. Make sure trips are absolutely necessary and do not travel into affected areas or for large meetings. NO TRIPS, STAY HOME.- If you come to a church meeting and exhibit any symptoms or meet any of the above criteria, you will be asked to return home to prevent potential spread of infection.
Guidelines for Hosting Meetings (not applicable)
- We recommend NOT HOSTING any meetings.
- Limit meeting sizes to no more than 20 and preferably around 10 saints.
- If the meeting space is small, reduce the number so as to reduce crowding. Space yourself 6 feet apart at all times.
- We recommend sharing food as little as possible and using time spent together more for fellowship and prayer.
- Supplies for good hygiene, including hand soap, paper towels (not cloth), hand sanitizer (contain at least 60% alcohol), etc should be present and available.
- Any commonly touched surfaces (counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, trash cans) should be disinfected with an EPA-registered disinfectant, bleach wipes, or 2% chlorine bleach solution before and after meetings. Meeting places should not be used if any occupant of that meeting place is ill or quarantined. MEETING HALL WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.
Further Information
- We will continue to post relevant updates on this web site.
- Some updates we will send out via text broadcast on our WhatsApp Announcement Group.
- If you are not in the CIM WhatsApp Group, click here:
- You can also point your Phone Camera at the below QR Code and scan to join:
In closing, dear saints,
We look to the Lord to supply us, lead us, cover us, and protect us. He is our fortress and our hiding place. We expect the word to grow and prevail in Miami as we meet in smaller groups, and move to a virtual meeting format and we hope and pray that all the saints magnify Christ in every situation.
Let us all give ourselves to the Lord to experience His daily grace and fresh leading in the days and weeks to come!
Pray for the virus to be stopped. Pray for the hearts of those around to be opened. Pray for the health and safety of all. And pray for all the churches on the earth to magnify and minister Christ in the midst of this trial.
Standing together in the Lord,
The elders in the church in Miami
last updated 3/23/2020 09:33pm

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